Setting up a civil company in Dubai allows qualified professionals to partner and offer specialized services like consulting, medical, legal, or engineering services. Civil companies are ideal for those with expertise looking to work together in their fields.

What Makes Civil Company Different from Others?
How to Setup a Civil Company in UAE?
Choose a Name for Your Company
Choose a trade name that complies with UAE government rules and regulations. Companies must have unique names that comply with the rules and regulations of the Department of Economic Development.
Choose a Business Activity
In order to determine what type of business license to apply for, you must decide what kind of operations you plan to perform. Based on the location, select your business activity from the permitted list.
Hire a Local Sponsor
Local Emiratis are local sponsors who can assist you in any legal matter. Hire them to stay on the safe side and ensure everything goes smoothly.
Receive Initial Approval
Initial approval must be obtained from Dubai’s Department of Economic Development (DED).
Pick a Location for Your Office
Picking an office space is essential for business registration in UAE. It is even possible to work from a virtual office depending on your business activities.
Make a Partnership Agreement
An agreement between foreign partners of a business is called a partnership agreement. It should be drafted and implemented by the honorable court.
Make a Local Sponsor Agreement
An agreement between the local sponsor in the UAE and the overseas business partners that outlines how the company operates outside of the country is known as a local service agent agreement. Prepare and execute the final application for the company from either the DED or court and then submit it.
Finalize the Company’s Formation
You would have to submit the proper documents to the jurisdiction you chose for establishing your company in Dubai.
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Benefits of Establishing a Civil Company in Dubai, UAE
Conditions to Setup a Civil Company in UAE
- Any party or company can sell or change the legal form of a civil company or branch in Dubai.
- DED allows partners of any nationality to perform professional activities.
- A detailed Civil Agreement is required between expat partners of the civil company.
- A Service Agent Agreement is necessary to appoint a Local Service Agent.
- Civil companies in Dubai can have only a limited number of managers.
- The trade name should reflect the company’s activities.
- Multiple branches are allowed, each carrying out activities under the primary trade license.
Civil Company Setup Consultants in Dubai
Riz & Mona Consultancy is renowned as one of the top business setup consultants in Dubai, with over 15 years of experience facilitating a wide range of businesses throughout the UAE. Our deep connections with government officials and key authorities, combined with our extensive expertise in consultancy, streamline the process of establishing your business in Dubai. Additionally, we offer comprehensive financial, legal, and corporate services to support our clients throughout their business endeavors.
We are here to provide comprehensive support in setting up a Civil Company in Dubai, from preparing your documents to completing the process. Connect with us now to begin your journey with a FREE consultation!
FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)
How can I start a civil company in Dubai?
Follow the given steps to start your civil company in Dubai:
Step 1. Choose a trade name
Step 2. Choose a business activity
Step 3. Hire a local sponsor
Step 4. Get the initial approval
Step 5. Choose a location for the business
Step 6. Make a partnership agreement
Step 7. Make a local sponsor agreement
Step 8. Finalize the company’s formation
What is the difference between an LLC and a Civil company?
LLC company has different benefits. Whereas a civil company has its own benefits. You can choose a company structure that suits your business the most. The major difference between a civil company and LLC is a Local Service Agent.
How much does a company license cost in Dubai?
A company license cost in Dubai varies from case to case. You can get in touch with any company formation experts in Dubai such as Riz and Mona for more information on the fees of a license.
Are civil partnerships Recognised in UAE?
Since they are not marriages, civil partnerships are not recognized in the UAE. However, civil marriages between non-Muslims that take place abroad are recognized as long as the marriage license has received official government authentication.
What is an example of a civil company?
An example of a civil company is a professional services firm, such as a law firm or an engineering consultancy, where the business is based on the professional qualifications of the partners.
What is a civil company legal type?
A civil company is a legal entity designed for professionals to offer specialized services, where partners have unlimited liability for the business’s obligations.
Does a civil company function with multiple shareholders?
Yes, a civil company can have multiple shareholders, typically professionals who jointly manage the business, with a limit of up to 50 shareholders.
Who is qualified to form a civil company in Dubai?
Professionals with qualifications in fields like law, engineering, medicine, or consulting are qualified to form a civil company in Dubai.